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IIS Server Hosting

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Hosting an React JS Web application in IIS server

What is React JS?

ReactJS is a declarativeefficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building reusable UI components. It is an open-source, component-based front-end library which is responsible only for the view layer of the application. It was initially developed and maintained by Facebook and later used in its products like WhatsApp & Instagram.

What is Single Page Application (SPA) in React JS?

A Single Page Application (SPA) is a web application that is designed to be displayed as a single, static page.

This approach makes the application more user-friendly and easier to navigate, as users can see the entire application at once.

Following are the steps to create and deploy on IIS Server?

  • Install Node Js
  • Install any IDE to write your React JS code (Visual Code, eclipse, etc)
  • Create your React JS project by typing this command in your terminal: npx create-react-app appname
  • After creating project, for deployment type this command in your terminal:  npm run build
  • After typing above command one build file will be created, On IIS Server just select that folder as your path as deploy your project

Let’s Use Following steps to create and host our react application on IIS Server

  1. Install Node JS on your machine
  • To install Node Js one can visit it’s official website i.e. https://nodejs.org/en/
  • Check if node is installed on your machine using following command in cmd
  • The node installation  also come with a package manager called npm (Node    Package Manager) that will use to install 3rd party libraries.
  1. Install Visual Studio Code on your machine

Reason to use Visual Studio Code:

Visual Studio Code, also commonly referred to as VS Code, is a source-code editor made by Microsoft with the Electron Framework, for Windows, Linux and macOS. Features include support for debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, code refactoring, and embedded Git.

  1. Create your Simple React JS application

Open your visual studio code and in that visual code open terminal.

Type command npx create-react-app testing and hit the enter and your application will start creating.

Below is our project file structure.

To run this application just type npm run start in your terminal and your application will be started and you can see it on  your browser.

By default our application will run on 3000 port as show below:

  1. Create production build of your react application

To host our application on IIS Server , firstly  we have to build our application by typing following command in your visual studio terminal i.e. npm run build

A build folder will be created, by using this folder we will host our application on IIS Server.

  1. Hosting application on IIS Server

Open your IIS Server and click on Add Website

After that, add your site name and also the path i.e., the build folder created in your application.

To run host name on browser you have to add the host name with in the following path i.e., C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\host

Add your Host name as shown below.     

To run your website on browser just type the URL (www.testing.com) and your website will run on your hosted host name .

Hosting an React JS Web application in IIS server Read More »

Hosting an Angular Web application in IIS server

What Is Angular?

Angular is an open-source JavaScript framework written in TypeScript. Google maintains it, and its primary purpose is to develop single-page applications. As a framework, Angular has clear advantages while also providing a standard structure for developers to work with. It enables users to create large applications in a maintainable manner.

ASP.Net Core provides a number of project templates out of the box, one of which is ASP.Net Core with Angular. You can use this to bootstrap your Angular SPA from within .Net core application and host it within IIS. However, many prefer using Angular CLI to develop an Angular application due to its simplicity and power and as part of this post I’ll be focusing on hosting this in IIS.

Create a Angular Application below steps is required :-

Now, We are Create a helloword Angular Application using below steps.

1. Install the Node.js :-

-> NodeJs is required for the Angular Application Creating

-> Check if node is installed on your machine using this command in cmd.

node --version

-> In case Node version is not found then download node package using following link https://nodejs.org/en/

-> The node installation also comes with a package manager called npm (Node Package Manager). We’ll use this to install other 3rd party libraries.

2. Install the Angular CLI

-> We’ll first need to install Angular CLI using the npm package manager:

npm install -g @angular/cli

-> This will install Angular CLI, to verify the version before you get started and perform below command.

ng --version

-> This will show the installed version of Angular CLI, Node and a few other libraries. We can now use this Angular CLI to create an Angular application.

3. Create a simple Angular Single Page Application(SPA)

-> Create the HelloWord Application using Angular CLI.

-> Create a new Angular Project.

-> Generate some bolier plate code.

-> Create deployable packages.

-> Create the Angular Application using this command and enter.

-> Then Would you like to add Angular routing?(y/n) and css/scss/sass/lesschoice the Options.

-> Then press the enter. And Successfully create the Angular Application

-> Then go to the code :-

=> Agular application host the using command is:

=> You can open the browser and browse the URL http://localhost:4200

4. Host this Angular application in IIs

Hosting the Angular application in IIS will be done through the following this steps :-

-> Use Angular CLI to create a build artifact

-> Create a Web application in IIS

-> Install URL rewrite module in IIS

-> Add web.config with a URL rewrite rule

-> Use Angular CLI to create a production package

♦  Use Angular CLI to create a build artifact

-> We can use Angular CLI to build the angular project and create a build artifact as follows this and press the enter

-> Once the build completes successfully it publishes all the build artifacts to the dist folder.

-> We’ll be hosting the build artifacts from this folder in IIS in the subsequent steps.

♦  Create a web Application in IIS

-> Create a new web site or web application or virtual directory in IIS to host the Angular application. Anyone of these will do. For the sake of this walkthrough we’ll create a new website SPA and create new web application HelloWorld under it.

♦ Install URL rewrite module in IIS

-> This step is required to support deep-linking. Deep-linking is the capability for the user to navigate directly to a page by typing the route into the address bar instead of using the Angular routing. Deep-linking causes a problem for IIS because the URL that the user attempts to access is not known to the server and therefore the user receives a 404 response. The solution is for the server to always return the root of the application, even if the user requests a path within the application

-> Install the URL rewrite module from this link – https://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/url-rewrite

-> After installing you should see a new icon in IIS Manager After installing you should see a new icon in IIS Manager.

-> Add web.config with a URL rewrite rule

All requests to this web application that are not for files or folders should be directed to the root of the application. For an application or virtual directory under the default web site, the URL should be set to the alias, (e.g. “/HelloWorld /”). For a web site at the root of the server, the URL should be set to “/”.

-> We’ll create this web.config in src folder and to ensure that this file gets copied to dist folder each time a build is generated we’ll also make an entry in the assets section in angular.json.

We can now build the angular project and verify that the web.config file is indeed published in the dist folder. Once confirmed, there is one more step pending. We need to ensure that the base href value in index.html has the value / if we host the application directly in the website or /MyApp/ if it is hosted in the web application under the web site. In our case this value should be /HelloWorld/

-> We can update the above manually, or during creation of the build using the parameter –base-href

We can now build the angular project and verify that the web.config file is indeed published in the dist folder. Once confirmed, there is one more step pending. We need to ensure that the base href value in index.html has the value / if we host the application directly in the website or /MyApp/ if it is hosted in the web application under the web site. In our case this value should be /HelloWorld/

-> We can update the above manually, or during creation of the build using the parameter –base-href

-> With this we can now browse the url http://localhost/HelloWorld/ from the browser. This should load our hello world page.

Hosting an Angular Web application in IIS server Read More »